I can’t believe you made it to 5 years old before we had to deal with a stomach bug. You woke up 2 mornings ago around 4:30 and threw up on the bed. Then you seemed fine the rest of the day but you did not eat or drink as much as normal.
Yesterday you woke up at 5am and threw up in the trash can we had left on your bed “just in case.” Well, just in case happened and you threw up pretty much every hour for most of the day. Towards evening it started spacing itself out. You and I slept in the living room just in case it decided to continue through the night.
I am super tired today but I am so glad you seem to be not throwing up anymore. We’ll try some food once you wake up but, you were awesome through everything. You didn’t complain a lot, you just wanted to know why it kept happening. When I started talking about germs and tummy bugs you were convinced you could feel the bug moving around in your tummy.
I love you so much. Only because I love you so much was I willing to clean your trash can out time after time all day long. You are beautiful! Hopefully this doesn’t happen anytime soon!